We have reached 50 backers for $5000+ and counting... We are now 1/3 of the way to our goal! Keep reading!

Since launching Bibamas [by-bam-uhz]!, First EVER Bible Pajamas, we've received so much support and help. We want to thank you for backing this project and for Spreading the Good Word! Thanks to you, we surpassed $5000+ last night. We are now over a third of the way to our goal with still 2/3 of the campaign left to go! Right on track!
50 more backers needed to hit $10,000!
Although we've had a lot of success already, it's well known that Kickstarter campaigns can have a lull soon after the initial launch. To keep things moving upward, we need your help! If each of our backers can get just one family member or friend to pledge their support for Bible Pajamas, we will be that much closer to helping children remember the REASON FOR THE SEASON when they climb into bed on Christmas Eve. Together we can do this!
How can you help?
- Send an email to 3 family/friends telling them why you backed this project and ask them to consider backing it as well.
- Send us awesome comments and tell us how much you love Bibamas on ourKickstarter page.
- In addition to Facebook, please remember to also share our link on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, and all other social media outlets.
Please feel free to copy and paste the message in Italics below. Or customize your own message to send to your family and friends. Here is the link! http://kck.st/1xnV8I6
If you think Nativity Pajamas are a good idea to help children remember that Jesus is the REASON FOR THE SEASON on Christmas Eve, please pledge your support on KIckstarter now to help Bible Pajamas come to life! http://kck.st/1xnV8I6

Please let us know if you have any ideas to make the Bibamas campaign better! Send an email to kelliejeppson@gmail.com.
Thanks again!